Spring isn't the only season that can bring fresh, beautiful changes. I am taking the opportunity this autumn to breathe some new life into some old things- clothes, furniture, recipes... the list goes on.
Some of these projects were are simple as mending garments that have long-awaited the good old needle and thread. In particular, a gorgeous, expensive- had it not been a vintage, thrift find, pale-yellow, ****** ***, 3/4 sleeved, rain coat that started to come apart at one of the arm seams. After (and I admit, this is sad) more than a YEAR- not to mention two rainy spring seasons, sitting in my closet, waiting for repair, I finally got it all fixed up a few days ago. It looks great, again, and I am grateful to have it back in rotation :)
Other projects are a bit more complicated, but fun. One I am really excited to see the end product of is a skirt-bag transformation I am currently working on... in between taking care of two youngsters, a husband, a home, two dogs, two hermit crabs and a fish. It was one of my favorite skirts ever, that suffered a mysterious stain that even the dry cleaner couldn't remove. Rather than toss it up to bad luck, I decided to turn it into a beautiful linen hobo-ish style bag. Though I didn't have enough foresight to take a photo of the skirt before I cut it up, I can show you a glimpse of the fabric:
Finished bag photos to follow...
Have a beautiful day, and as always, don't forget to be the queen of your own realm!